Hey there! So, you know how Harry Styles went on his Love on Tour adventure, right? Well, guess what? It wasn't just a super successful tour, but it also did a lot of good for charities all around the world!
The tour started in September 2021 and went on for almost two years, with a whopping 173 performances. It finally came to an end on July 22 in Italy. Can you believe that Harry performed for more than five million fans? That's crazy! And get this, his tour is now the fourth highest-grossing one ever!
But here's the really cool part. During the tour, Harry decided to give some of the money he made to charity. For example, after a terrible shooting at a school in Texas, he promised to donate some of the tour's earnings to a charity called Everytown for Gun Safety. And he didn't stop there! Harry also gave money to other awesome charities like Planned Parenthood, the Sydney Zoo, Black Minds Matter UK, Physicians for Reproductive Health, and Save the Children. In total, he raised over $6.5 million for charity. How amazing is that?
Oh, and by the way, there's this awesome video that shows all the best moments from Love on Tour. It's out now, and it's not just about Harry. It's mostly about the fans and the incredible energy they brought to his concerts. At the end of the video, Harry himself says something really sweet. He tells his fans that they're not alone and that he's so grateful for everything they've done. He even says they changed his life! How cool is that?
Now, here's some other news about Harry. After his tour ended, he decided to take a well-deserved vacation in Italy. He's hanging out with his friend James Corden, James' wife, Harry's sister Gemma Styles, and a model named Jacquelyn Jablonski. There are even pictures of them on a boat in an Italian lake. It's pretty cool that they're all enjoying some downtime together after such an incredible tour, don't you think?